38 Best Way to Secure WordPress Site

Best Way to Secure WordPress Site
Best Way to Secure WordPress Site

The importance of WordPress as a CMS is indescribable. About 60 percent of the websites that are currently created using CMS are being created on WordPress. From personal to corporate organizations are building their websites on WordPress due to its ease of use. With the popularity of WordPress, this type of website is also a target for hackers. And for that reason, it is important to ensure the security of a WordPress website. Anyone building a new WordPress site needs to ensure some basic security. Anyone, even if not a good developer, can follow these security measures. In this post, I am sharing 38 Best Way to Secure WordPress Site that is important to your website.

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38 Best Way to Secure WordPress Site

Here, I am going to share 38 Best Way to Secure WordPress Site that is most important to secure your website.

1. Use Good Quality Web Hosting

Good quality web hosting is the number one step in our best way to secure WordPress site. Many people use low-name or anonymous web hosting due to low cost. These web hosting providers cannot provide good security for every site. As a result, it is often seen that the websites on these hostings are hacked. So you should take the services of the hosting service providers who ensure good site security.

2. Keeping WordPress Updated

Every so often WordPress releases new updates with their various bug fixes and features. It is best to update the WordPress site as soon as these updates arrive. This is the most important part that takes place two in the best way to secure WordPress site. Hackers try to hack the old versions by finding various errors. So keeping WordPress updated regularly can be very safe. Regularly updating your WordPress version is akin to erecting a sturdy shield around your digital fortress. Each version update includes essential security patches, which counteract newly discovered vulnerabilities. By ensuring your WordPress software is up-to-date, you minimize the risk of exploitation by cybercriminals and maintain the highest level of security.

3. Use Strong Passwords

Many people use passwords with name, mobile number or date of birth for ease of remembering. These are not correct. Acquaintances or hackers can hack your website by knowing or guessing this information through various means. So use a password that is difficult for you to remember. You can enter a password with letters, numbers and symbols. Incorporate a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters to make your password resilient to brute-force attacks. Then the security of your site will be ensured to a large extent.

4. Do Not Use ‘Admin’ as Username

Admin is given as the default name when WordPress is installed. Many don’t change it. However, it is better not to use Admin for site security. Because hackers usually try to hack sites with default names. In this case, first login with Admin and create a new user name. And give full access or administration of the new username. Then log in with a new username and delete the Admin user.

5. Limit Login Attempts:

To prevent attackers from repeatedly guessing passwords implement login attempt limits. After a certain number of failed attempts, temporarily lock out the user or IP address. This attempt will help reduce the risk of brute-force attacks.

6. Keep Login Secure

Arrangements should be made to prevent hackers from repeatedly attempting logins with usernames and passwords based on guesswork. The Limit Login Attempts plugin can be used instead. Through this, the IP will be blocked after someone tries with the wrong password several times. As a result, if someone tries to login with wrong password multiple times, he will not be able to login from that IP. The plugin can be used from this link.

7. Fortify Your Login Page: Bolstering the Gateway

Your login page serves as the primary entry point to your WordPress site, making it a prime target for hackers. Strengthen its security by altering the default login URL, limiting login attempts, and incorporating CAPTCHA challenges. These measures thwart brute-force attacks, making unauthorized access significantly more challenging.

8.Change the Login Page URL Regularly:

Frequently changing the login page URL makes it harder for attackers to locate your login page. However, ensure your team is aware of the changes to avoid accidentally locking themselves out.

9. Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adding an Extra Layer of Protection

Two-factor authentication stands as a sentinel guarding the gates of your WordPress site. By requiring an additional form of verification beyond the password, such as a time-sensitive code sent to your mobile device, you create an additional layer of defense. Even if a malicious actor gains access to your password, the second factor required for authentication acts as a formidable deterrent.

10. Monitor User Activity:

Monitoring user activity helps you detect unusual behavior that might indicate a security breach. Keep track of login times, IP addresses, and actions taken within the admin area.

11. Not Using Free Themes

To create new websites many people use free themes . These themes often contain hidden code that can steal important information from your website. Many times it is seen that free theme websites are redirecting to other websites. Sometimes it displays reverse code or ads in different parts of the site. It is best not to use free themes to get rid of these annoying problems. And if it is not possible to buy a theme at all, WordPress’s own theme can be used.

12. Install Trusted Security Plugins: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Defense

There are several plugins for WordPress site security. Notable among these are Login Lock, AskApache Password Protect etc. Selecting reputable security plugins, such as Sucuri and Wordfence, is akin to enlisting an elite security team for your website. These plugins offer real-time monitoring, malware scanning, and firewall protection. Their active surveillance detects and neutralizes potential threats, ensuring your site remains shielded from unauthorized intrusions. Using these will ensure the security of the WordPress site to a great extent.

13. Using Secure Plugins

Many people install a plugin on the site for various benefits. This is not correct. While installing a plugin, you should check whether it is safe, official plugin or in the WordPress plugin gallery. Because free themes and plugins often contain hacking or tracking codes that can be a security threat for your website.

14. Keep Themes and Plugins Updated

Outdated themes and plugins are like open doors inviting cyber threats. Regularly updating them from trusted sources ensures compatibility with the latest WordPress version and incorporates security patches that address known vulnerabilities. This proactive approach closes potential entry points for malicious actors. The themes and plugins you use can often come with their own bug fixes and features. If they are not updated, you will get a notification on the dashboard itself. So it is better to update these themes and plugins in the security of the site.

15. Regular Backups Are Indispensable: Safeguarding Against the Unforeseen

Important information and content of the website can be lost at any time due to hosting problems or hacking. So regular site backup should be done to reduce the suffering. If the data of the site is deleted due to any reason, the site can be recovered with this backup file. And there are several plugins for backup. Better to use a plugin called WordPress Backups. The importance of routine backups cannot be overstated. In the event of a breach or data loss, recent backups enable you to restore your site to its pre-incident state swiftly. Schedule automated backups and securely store them on external servers or cloud platforms to ensure the integrity of your data.

16. Limit User Privileges: Minimizing Potential Threats

Adopting the principle of least privilege is crucial in maintaining a secure environment. Assign user roles and permissions thoughtfully, granting administrative privileges only to those who require them. By minimizing unnecessary access, you reduce the potential risks associated with inadvertent actions.

17. Strengthen Your WordPress Configuration: Advanced Defensive Measures

Fine-tuning your site’s configuration is akin to fortifying the walls of your digital stronghold. Disable XML-RPC, a common target for attacks, and implement security headers to mitigate potential vulnerabilities. Utilize HTTPS for encrypted communication and obscure your WordPress version to deter potential threats.

18. Ongoing Monitoring and Penetration Testing: Staying Ahead of Adversaries

Vigilance is your watchword in the realm of security. Continuously monitor your site’s activities for unusual patterns and consider regular penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them. By staying one step ahead, you ensure your site’s resilience against emerging threats.

19. Ensure SSL is Set Up Properly:

One of the best way to secure WordPress site is to set up SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Because it ensures that data transmitted between your site and visitors is encrypted and secure. Choose a reputable SSL certificate and make sure it’s correctly installed and configured to cover your entire website, including subdomains.

20. Remove Unused WordPress Plugins and Themes:

Unused plugins and themes can pose security risks, as they might not receive updates. Regularly review your installed plugins and themes, and delete those you don’t need. Only keep the ones you actively use and trust.

21. Check for Malware:

Regularly scan your site for malware using trusted security tools. This helps identify malicious code injected into your website’s files and database, allowing you to remove it promptly.

22. Add a CDN-Level Firewall:

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) with a built-in firewall can protect your site from various online threats, including DDoS attacks, by filtering out malicious traffic before it reaches your server.

23. Add JavaScript Challenge to the Login Page:

Incorporate a JavaScript challenge on the login page to prevent automated bots from accessing it. Bots that can’t execute JavaScript code won’t be able to proceed, effectively reducing login attempts by malicious entities.

24. Remove XML-RPC:

XML-RPC is a common target for attacks. Disable it unless you have a specific need for it, as it can be exploited to perform various malicious actions. Removing XML-RPC is a crucial security step often advised for WordPress sites. XML-RPC, originally designed to facilitate remote interactions, has unfortunately become a favored avenue for cyberattacks. It can be misused for brute-force attacks, DDoS assaults, and other malicious activities. By opting to disable XML-RPC, you effectively close potential vulnerabilities and bolster your site’s defenses against unauthorized access and potential breaches. However, exercise caution and assess whether any crucial functionalities depend on XML-RPC before making this decision.

25. Disable Comments:

If your site doesn’t require user comments, consider disabling the comment feature. This prevents potential spam and malicious links from infiltrating your site. Also protecting your site from spam and potentially harmful links. This strategic move contributes to maintaining the integrity of your site’s interactions and content and also reduces the risk of unintended interruptions.

26. Reduce Plugins:

Keep your plugin count to a minimum. This is one of the best way to secure WordPress site and also reduce load speed. Each additional plugin increases the potential attack surface and can introduce vulnerabilities. Do not install unnecessary plugins without much need. It is a security threat and also affects the loading speed of the website.

27. Set Up Auto-Update on Plugins:

Enable automatic updates for plugins whenever possible. This ensures that you’re running the latest, most secure versions of plugins and helps prevent known vulnerabilities from being exploited.

28. Check Open Ports on the Server:

Regularly review and close any unnecessary open ports on your server. This reduces the risk of external threats and the potential entry points for attackers. Additionally, this deliberate effort serves as a strong defense mechanism against external threats by preventing potential gateways for unauthorized access by malicious entities. In order to maintain a higher degree of security preparedness, you should minimize the number of entry points to your site methodically.

29. Use Firewall Protection:

Implement a firewall to filter incoming and outgoing traffic, it is one of the best way to secure WordPress site. A properly configured firewall can block unauthorized access attempts and prevent malicious traffic from reaching your site. With this proactive barrier, you erect a formidable defense that demonstrates a commitment to protecting your online domain and preventing potential breaches.

How to Secure WordPress Without Using Plugins:

There are some ways to secure a WordPress website without using any plugins. This is more effective and much better for a website. Cause plugins contain different scripts that can lower your website loading speed. But in this way, there is no risk of low down speed. So, let’s see some ways:

1. Disable PHP error reporting:

Disabling PHP error reporting is a practice that involves preventing error messages and details from being displayed to users. An attacker can exploit these error messages to learn sensitive information about your server setup, by turning off PHP error reporting on your live website. Ensure that potential vulnerabilities and configuration details are not exposed to malicious parties, strengthening your site’s security posture.

2. Move to a More Secure Web Host:

An important step in strengthening your site’s defenses is to choose a more secure web hosting provider. To ensure your site operates in a secure environment a secure web host employs a variety of measures, from regular security audits to robust server configurations. Such hosts often offer features like as regular software updates, intrusion detection systems, and proactive threat monitoring. All of these contribute to protecting your site from potential threats.

3. Stop Editing Files in WordPress Dashboard:

Disable file editing functionality from within the WordPress dashboard. Disable the ability to edit plugin and theme files directly through the admin interface. This process helps to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to these files that could lead to malicious code injection or tampering. By restricting file editing to direct server access only, you effectively limit potential attack vectors and strengthen your site’s overall security.

4. Restrict Access Using .htaccess File:

Using the power of .htaccess files lets you dictate access controls at a granular level. By configuring the .htaccess file, you can apply rules restricting access to specific directories, files, or even entire sections of your website. This technique allows you to deny access to potentially vulnerable areas and enhance your site’s security posture, protecting sensitive data from prying eyes.

5. Change the default WordPress Database Prefix:

Changing default database table prefixes during WordPress installation is a strategic step to strengthen your site’s resilience against SQL injection attacks. Attackers often target sites with default prefixes, trying to exploit vulnerabilities. By customizing this prefix, you introduce an additional layer of complexity that makes it difficult for malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to your database.

6. Disable XML-RPC:

Disable XML-RPC, it is a protocol that enables remote communication with your WordPress site. It is a preventative measure against potential vulnerabilities. XML-RPC, while providing some functionality, has been exploited for attacks such as brute force attempts and DDoS attacks. By disabling it, you close a potential entry point that attackers can exploit. Also, this process reduces the risk of unauthorized access and malicious activity.

7. Hide WordPress Version:

Concealing the version of WordPress your site is running is a strategic approach to reducing the risk of exploitation. Older versions of WordPress can be targeted based on known vulnerabilities. By removing or obfuscating version information in your site’s source code, you reduce the chances of attackers identifying vulnerabilities to exploit.

8. Block Hotlinks:

Hotlinking refers to the practice of displaying images hosted on your site on other websites. By implementing a hotlink blocking system, you maintain control over your site’s resources and prevent bandwidth theft. This process helps maintain the performance of the site and protects against the use of your content without your permission.

9. Manage File Permissions:

Properly managing file permissions involves setting access rights to files and directories on your server. By configuring permissions, you ensure that only authorized users and processes can read, write, or execute specific files. This process prevents unauthorized access, tampering, and potential exploitation of vulnerabilities through compromised files.

By implementing these security measures in depth, you build a robust defense system that protects your WordPress site against countless potential threats and vulnerabilities.



In this post, I have shared some best way to secure WordPress site that is necessary to any WordPress website. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, proactive security measures are paramount. By embracing these ten advanced strategies, you establish a robust defense against a myriad of threats. Safeguard your digital realm, protect your sensitive data, and navigate the digital frontier with the assurance of a secure online presence. Remember, your commitment to security today safeguards your digital legacy tomorrow.

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